A certified life coach for teen girls and young women.

Michelle Dolan is a certified life coach for teen girls and young women.

Michelle creates a safe, judgement-free space where your teen can ask her toughest questions, face her challenges, and journey to discover the greatness already within her.

Michelle Dolan creates a safe, judgement-free space where your teen can ask her toughest questions, face her challenges, and journey to discover the greatness already within her.


A certified life coach for teen girls and young women.

Michelle Dolan is a certified life coach for teen girls and young women.

Michelle Dolan creates a safe, judgement-free space where your teen can ask her toughest questions, face her challenges, and journey to discover the greatness already within her.

Virtual Private Coaching

Michelle offers Virtual Coaching sessions to clients worldwide. Call or text +1-910-632-0762 now to schedule your 30-minute Complimentary Inquiry Call to see if Virtual Coaching is a viable option for your daughter.

Press Interviews

Michelle enjoys having candid conversations on various podcasts, magazines, and news outlets about connecting with your teen girls. If you would like to interview her, please text +1-910-632-0762 to check fit and availability. Check out Michelle in a recent Girls’ Life magazine…

Michelle Dolan Teen Girl Coach featured in Girl's Life this month

Speaking & Workshops

Michelle speaks to groups of teen girls, college students, parents, administrators and youth volunteers. She has spoken at schools, womens’ events, sororities, and more. Michelle takes a co-active approach to creating the experience you desire for your audience. She tailors her talks to the specific needs of your group. These dynamic presentations usually last from 30-60 minutes.

“She not only strengthened our sisterhood, but she helped us break barriers and become more open with each other. Since I have been a member in ΩΦΑ, I have never seen our sisters come together for such a powerful moment.”

Dana Blair Ebb, Sisterhood Chair, ΩΦΑ Western Kentucky University

“We learned about Michelle Dolan’s services from a friend, and she reluctantly agreed to give coaching a try. I believe we would both say that the time spent with Michelle has been tremendously positive.”

Veronica, Parent, Boston, MA

“After a few short months with Michelle’s life coaching, I have seen positive changes in my teenage daughter. She has become aware of her true self. Michelle has equipped her with tools to goal set and problem solve.”

Mary, Parent, Los Angeles, CA

“My daughter shows more confidence as a result of higher self esteem. Her self image has been boosted by focusing on her strengths and successes, rather than weaknesses and failures.”

Sarah, Parent, Hartford, CT

“The positive encouragement and sound principals that Michelle has shared with our daughter have made a huge impact on her, and we look forward to seeing her continue to grow through this process.”

Dan, Parent, Brentwood, TN

“Michelle is simply a God-send for our family. She is so much more than a mentor and coach for our daughter, and we are truly blessed that she is in our lives!”

Tommy, Parent, Franklin, TN

“She provides the tools and insight that is needed to avoid bad decisions and negative thoughts. I highly recommend Michelle’s life coaching for anyone who wants to keep their teen daughter on the positive path to a healthy adulthood.”

Kianush, Parent, Nashville, TN

“I love having Michelle as my Life Coach. I know she has my back, and I can’t wait to tell her the steps I’ve taken each week in becoming the me I want to be!”

Katie, Age 16, Dallas, TX

“I feel like a new person and am learning how saying “no” to even good things frees up space for the great things!”

Leslie, Age 17, Los Angeles, CA

“Michelle helped me realize that I could make boundaries with my use of time that would make my life so much easier; even with all the pressures of school, work, family and friends. Now I actually schedule ‘me time.’ ”

Lauren, Age 20, Los Angeles, CA

“If you have a teenage daughter (with or without teenage daughter problems!) … please allow Michelle an opportunity to work with her and I know you will see positive results that will blow you away!!!”

Tina, Parent, Franklin, TN

“Michelle relates very well with teenage girls and my daughter immediately felt at ease with her. As she continues with life coaching, I look forward to watching my daughter find her own solutions to challenges while maintaining balance in her life.”

Mike, Parent, Boston, MA

“I’ve seen a positive change. I truly appreciate your help in getting her back on track, coaching her to be her independent strong self, and to get past the nightmarish experience she had during the pandemic.”

Cathy, Parent, Long Island, NY

“I will admit that I was very skeptical at first, but Michelle truly understands what young girls are facing today in school and in their social lives, and she has made such a positive impact on my daughter that I am now a 100% believer and encourage anyone to talk with Michelle and learn more about the coaching she provides.”

Nick, Parent, New York, NY

“My take away from our sessions? I can be a more social person and do the things I want to do! I don’t have to let fear limit me.”

Amber, Age 17, Nashville, TN

“Michelle has facilitated my daughter’s acquisition of time management and prioritizing skills. We have seen a happier, more responsible, and more confident young lady in our home.”

Greta, Parent, Franklin, TN

“I cannot begin to tell you all of the positive changes my wife and I have seen in our 15 year old daughter since Michelle and the Teen Girl Coaching program came into our lives.”

Eric, Parent, Austin, TX

“Michelle has helped my daughter gain confidence and a self-secured image of herself. She paves the path for teen girls to become successful in their relationships and life goals by focusing on positive possibilities.”

Kelly, Parent, Chicago, IL

“[My daughter] is definitely feeling good after the past 7 weeks with you. My husband and I are thrilled to see her really taking off and truly believing in herself and decisions. You’re a blessing in the lives you touch!”

Allison, Parent, London, England

“I am so thankful to know such an amazing woman like Michelle! She is truly a blessing and inspiration to so many girls!”

Dana Blair Ebb, Sisterhood Chair, ΩΦΑ Western Kentucky University

“She has 100% loved her meetings with you. We are so thankful we found you!”

Beth, Parent, Reno, NV
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From lost to at home

Life Coaching looks forward. It’s not therapy.

We focus on the now, who she wants to become and the power she has to make decisions in this very moment that will shape her future and continue to create her character.

Schedule A Complimentary Inquiry Call

Michelle offers Virtual Coaching sessions to clients worldwide. Schedule your 30-minute Complimentary Inquiry Call to see if Virtual Coaching is a viable option for your daughter.


Michelle Dolan is a Certified Life Coach for Teen Girls and Young Women based in Wilmington, North Carolina. Starting her practice in 2012 in Nashville, TN, she helps teen girls manage stresses, sort through life’s complications and realize their strengths, value and potential in the process. Michelle is not only passionate about empowering teen girls to awaken to their own greatness. She also equips parents and volunteers with tools and strategies to increase their level of connection with their teen girls during the ups and downs of adolescence. Michelle is available for one-on-one coaching sessions and also enjoys facilitating workshops and speaking on an array of issues affecting girls and their parents today. She has worked with adolescents for over 20 years both nationally and internationally.


Life Coaching is a positive, proactive approach to drawing out your daughter’s best and connecting her with the truest version of herself. We focus on the now, who she wants to become and the power she has to make decisions in this very moment that will shape her future and continue to create her character.

I create a safe, judgement-free space where she can ask her toughest questions, face her challenges and journey to discover the greatness already within her. Knowing that through our unique coaching relationship I will have the privilege of equipping her using strategies, tools and processes that can increase her self-esteem, self-acceptance and understanding. During the coaching process, girls and young women alike realize their worth, build confidence and often spark the desire to live their fullest life.

As a TeenWisdom™ Certified Life Coach, I cover topics such as, but not limited to:

  • Decision Making
  • Dating (choices, break-ups, sex and “hooking-up”)
  • Friendship Challenges (growing apart, betrayal, conflicts, negative competition, etc.)
  • Social Isolation and Bullying
  • Body Image and Self Acceptance
  • School Stress and Academic Pressure
  • Academic Performance and Results
  • Time and Self Management
  • Parent/Teen Communication
  • Transition from Teen to Young Adult
  • Confusion about Direction and Future
  • Peer Pressure and Self Imposed Pressure
  • Self-Esteem and Personal Empowerment
Michelle Dolan - Teen Girl Life Coach

It’s cool to be happy and confident

Through the trusted and unique coaching relationship, I will listen, advise, inform, challenge, and support your teen girl to know and honor herself, overcome obstacles, achieve her goals and dreams, and grow into the successful, happy and confident young women she is meant to be.


I am a Life Coach to females ages 12 to 25. In my sessions, I offer clients a powerful interaction that fosters within each girl a deepened self-awareness and self-understanding. She will also learn tangible tools that can help her overcome her challenges, embrace herself, and achieve her goals. Some of my specialties include helping with academic and social anxiety, organization, negative feelings about self, choices around dating/sex/break-ups, formation of healthy personal boundaries, decision-making around the future, formation of life goals, improved communication, improved coping skills, and development of increased sense of personal responsibility.

As a certified life coach for teen girls and young women, I am her very own personal cheerleader, coach, and guide. Through the trusted and unique coaching relationship, I will listen, advise, inform, challenge, and support your teen girl to know and honor herself, overcome obstacles, achieve her goals and dreams, and grow into the successful, happy and confident young women she is meant to be.

Benefits of life coaching can include:

  • Increased Self-Esteem and Self-Awareness
  • Post Pandemic Re-entry to schools and social activities
  • Improved Decision Making Ability
  • Enhanced Relationships with Parents
  • Better Communication Skills
  • New Friendships
  • Improved Grades and Work Ethic
  • Understanding Between Choices and Consequences
  • Future Planning and Vision
  • Realization of Potential Goals
  • Positive Self-Expression and Self Acceptance
  • Identity Formation
  • Development of Leadership Skills
  • Organization and Time Management Skills

Tween & Teen Girls (12-19)

Your daughter is full of promise. You see her potential but she may not right now. Life coaching for your teen girl is a positive and proactive way for your daughter to build her self esteem and discover her strengths. Do you find that she is over critical of her appearance?

Is she struggling with school, friends, and life balance? Is she anxious about “fitting in?” Does she have a difficult time managing stress or finding her own inspired way of organizing her life? Has she stopped confiding in you about the details of what is happening in the day to day? Would you like to see her grasp a deeper sense of herself and her value?

Does your daughter have leadership potential, but does not know how to utilize and channel her giftings? You have come to the right place. Contact me now at +1-910-632-0762 for a Complimentary Inquiry Call to see if life coaching is a viable option for your teen.


You want the best for your daughter. That is a given. You might be here because you are experiencing the natural “pulling away” that begins occurring as early as her tweens. You might be here because you know she needs a trusted, outside ally. I am a safe place to land and a judgement-free life-line for your daughter.

In our coaching sessions, she will discover her value and develop a greater sense of self-esteem. Her confidence cannot help but increase as she becomes self-aware and awakens to her very own personal power.

Life coaching is a positive, proactive approach to drawing out your daughter’s best and connecting her with the truest version of herself. We focus on the now, who she wants to become and the power she has to make decisions in this very moment that will shape her future and continue to create her character.

I also offer sessions to support Parents so you can best support her through her coaching journey. You will receive fresh ideas tailored to the needs of you and your teen. If you are curious about the benefits of life coaching for your daughter, contact me now at +1-910-632-0762 for a Complimentary Inquiry Call.

Young Women (20-25)

Your future is not a problem to solve but an adventure to discover. Through our coaching relationship, you will learn key truths about yourself that will reframe the way you see what is available to you.

Do you struggle with trying to make everyone happy? Are you in a complicated relationship or job where you are giving your power away and you want to know how to take it back?

Do you ever feel like you are not enough? Do you want to explore what it means to live a life honoring to your core values? Do you want to discover the freedom of saying “no” to good things so you can be available to say YES to great things?

Would you like to become a better friend to yourself and connect with your true value and worth? You have come to the right place. Contact me now at +1-910-632-0762 for a Complimentary Inquiry Call to explore the possibilities!

Frequently Asked Questions

Life Coaching and Therapy are not the same though they oftentimes overlap. Life Coaching is not medical treatment. The focus of coaching is on “the now,” development of strengths, and co-creation of external solutions to overcome barriers, learn new skills and implement them.

A Therapist makes diagnoses, explores the roots of problems, seeks to bring about healing and explores “the why.” If you are concerned your daughter needs a therapist, feel free to be in contact and I can refer you to a trusted professional in the area.

For a more detailed breakdown on the differences between therapy and coaching, please request our Therapy vs. Coaching Guide.

Life Coaching is not medical treatment, therefore there is no insurance coverage for this service.

Michelle offers Virtual Coaching sessions to clients worldwide. Call or Text +1-910-632-0762 now to schedule your 30-minute Complimentary Inquiry Call to see if Virtual Coaching is a viable option for your daughter.

Phone, FaceTime, WhatsApp and other conferencing methods are now common and highly preferred options, especially for college-age and young career women.